
Bolshevism: Old and New—Lenin and the 'April Theses'

Steve Bloom takes issue with Lars Lih's interpretation of Lenin's April Theses, arguing contra Lih that Lenin's intervention in April 1917 did represent a break with "old" Bolshevism.


Smahtguy book cover


Yestergay's Man: Eric Orner's Smahtguy

Hank Kennedy reviews cartoonist Eric Orner's biography of US politician Barney Frank.

Latest Cosmopod


We join Carlos for a discussion on the recent German elections, Die Linke/BSW parties and the extraparlamentarian left.

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Book Reviews

Blue Collar cover

In Review: Jeff Schuhrke’s 'Blue Collar Empire'

Henry De Groot reviews Jeff Schuhrke's new book 'Blue Collar Empire: The Untold Story of US Labor’s Global Anticommunist Crusade' and argues that, although Schuhrke has produced a solid introduction to the topic, the work is missing key context.

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Examining Cuba's Knowledge Economy: A Review of Lage's "The Knowledge Economy and Socialism"

In a review of Cuban scientist Agustín Lage Dávila's new book 'The Knowledge Economy and Socialism,' Renato Flores reflects on the role of science and knowledge production under capitalism and socialism, asking how knowledge workers can be incentivized differently under socialism.

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Your letters


Letter: What Do Geese Know?

March 7, 2025

“In my recent critique of Geese Magazine, I noted that Gandakin and Scottie O. were making many of the ideological errors that Althusser rails against while also citing …”


Letter: Mask No Difficulties – Reflections On The Defeat at RDU1

March 6, 2025

“"Hide nothing from the masses of our people. Tell no lies. Expose lies whenever they are told. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no easy victories." -Amilcar CabralSocialists …”


Letter: A Labor Party Need Not Be a Bourgeois Liberal Party

February 28, 2025

“Edith Fischer’s February 10 letter “‘Labor Party’ is a Centrist Fudge” argues that a labor party “rooted in the leadership and structures of the trade unions” is necessarily …”