
Yestergay's Man: Eric Orner's Smahtguy
Book Reviews

In Review: Jeff Schuhrke’s 'Blue Collar Empire'
Henry De Groot reviews Jeff Schuhrke's new book 'Blue Collar Empire: The Untold Story of US Labor’s Global Anticommunist Crusade' and argues that, although Schuhrke has produced a solid introduction to the topic, the work is missing key context.

Examining Cuba's Knowledge Economy: A Review of Lage's "The Knowledge Economy and Socialism"
In a review of Cuban scientist Agustín Lage Dávila's new book 'The Knowledge Economy and Socialism,' Renato Flores reflects on the role of science and knowledge production under capitalism and socialism, asking how knowledge workers can be incentivized differently under socialism.
Your letters
Letter: Notes on Citizenship
February 1, 2025
“Citizenship is in the air. It makes a lot of sense that readers of Cosmonaut would embrace this. A cursory investigation will find citizenship to be at the …”
Letter: Response to MDC DSA Steering
January 26, 2025
“I read this “Kangaroo Court” article and while I agree with it, I would like to highlight some claims that can be misconstrued. Considering that the average person …”
Letter: White Republicanism, a Reply to Luke Pickrell
January 24, 2025
“I am not alone in finding Luke Pickrell’s insistence on democratic republicanism and constitutional critique repetitive, un-insightful, and racially ignorant. Blindspots that were present in Luke’s earlier work …”