Today, I would like to discuss the DANGEROUS topic of DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM.
Why is that idea so DANGEROUS? By using DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, our Federal Government will ascribe to the ROBIN HOOD EFFECT. By being true to the principles of the RHE, we could create a society that CARES for every citizen, even the wealthy elites.
We CONSISTENTLY hear about the evils of DEMOCRATIC socialism from the Republican Party; they fear that they will LOSE their POWER AND INFLUENCE in the Federal Government. INFLUENCE AND POWER has allowed them to keep a VIRTUAL MONOPOLY on wealth accumulation. I like to think of it as the “ALL FOR ME AND NONE FOR YOU” Effect.
Let us consider one benefit of DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM – the disappearance of charitable organizations. In a more DEMOCRATICALLY minded SOCIALIST society, large charitable organizations do not need to exist, because much of the PROFITS made by corporations FLOW EFFICIENTLY into the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S bank account.
With the required funds in the bank, RESPONSIBLE PLANNERS in the Federal Government could allocate this money quicker to programs that support PROACTIVE ACTIVITIES such as ensuring there is an adequate supply of emergency items in our healthcare system. Additionally, councils could ensure that these critical businesses were subsidized to REMAIN within the United States. This would prevent America’s dependence upon the MERCY AND WHIMS of other nations.
Also, the RESPONSIBLE PLANNERS in the various agencies could develop a cornucopia of programs that effectively address the ISSUES OF EVERY CITIZEN. By being FREE from the pressure to make profit, these governmental planners could develop more EFFECTIVE and COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTIONS to the issues that AMERICAN CITIZENS encounter. They would be CITIZEN-RESPONSIVE solutions providers.
While I was in the graduate Industrial and Systems Engineering program at the University of Florida, one of my professors had a saying that I have never forgotten: EFFECTIVENESS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EFFICIENCY.
Since 1980 or so, we have heard from the Republican Party that BUSINESS is BETTER EQUIPPED to utilize scarce resources such as MONEY more efficiently. Well, it is not difficult to see that they are right! All money flows efficiently and effectively to CLUB EXCESSIVE WEALTH in our country; they are WEALTH ELITISTS. We have allowed the wealthy club to EFFICIENTLY ROB our Federal Government of effective programs that were developed as a result of the Great Depression; in this SANCTIONED THEFT, this group has ROBBED from the AMERICAN PEOPLE of the OPPORTUNTIES verbalized in the PREAMBLE of OUR CONSTITUTION.
Critics will say, “Ah, but Andrew PROVIDES NO PROOF Of these allegations!” THEY ARE RIGHT! To fully understand what is happening in our country, one must do much READING AND THINKING on the topic of DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM. Data EXISTS on this SANCTIONED THEFT by the WEALTH ELITISTS; see Thomas Piketty, Noam Chomsky, David Harvey, Naomi Klein, George Carlin, etc.
With this pandemic, I do not believe that private industry will effectively save us; much less the sacred market. I would like to think that OUR Federal Government WILL SAVE US; hopefully, it will. A GOVERNMENT is the MOST EFFECTIVE TOOL in generating jobs for many. The Federal Government responded appropriately during the Great Depression, and I believe that it can do it again with the Great Pandemic of 2019+. We may need to REDESIGN our economy as a result of the Great Pandemic of 2019+, and I think that this would be a great time for the Federal Government to take a PROACTIVE LEADERSHIP ROLE in this redesign.
My critics will respond, “Ah, but Andrew, we are against BIG GOVERNMENT. It is wasteful. It is inefficient. These things are better left in the hands of the market.” Guess what? THEY ARE RIGHT! They will make sure that the money continues to flow to their WEALTH-ELITIST CLUB; business as usual.
Only a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT can ensure that we achieve LESS INCOME INEQUALITY. Keep in mind that we will always have economic inequality; however, we have the TOOLS to LESSEN THIS INEQUALITY, and we do not have to hide behind the marketing MYSTICAL names such as artificial intelligence, machine learning or data science.
Our Federal Government needs to hire more people who have the SKILLS necessary to implement scientific management approaches such as Six Sigma; at a MINIMUM, they need to IDENTIFY these people in their agencies, and they need to use these people to IMPROVE how our government RESPONDS to its CITIZENS. The application of scientific project management can alleviate the problems many Americans encounter on a daily basis.
I ascribe to the EXISTENTIAL idea that Eric Berne proposed: “I’m ok, you’re ok.” When one takes this position, one is accepting of the other. One treats the other as she or he needs to be treated, and that is a BETTER idea of INDIVIDUALISM. That is DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM. The HUMAN is at the CENTER of all activity.
It is “NOT OK” to allow sanctioned theft of money from the American people by the wealth-elitists of this country.
Finally, if LINDSEY GRAHAM cannot figure out where our government is going to get the money needed to SAVE AMERICAN CITIZENS, I will give him an EFFICIENT SOLUTION: The Robin Hood Effect. Those financial elites have CONSISTENTLY STOLEN from the AMERICAN REPUBLIC since the end of World War II. It is time they are HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their actions.
“En las cenizas del fracaso está la sabiduría”
“In the ashes of failure, there is wisdom.”
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