Rudy joins Max Ajl, author of A People’s Green New Deal (Pluto Press, 2021), for a broad discussion on the themes of his book and on the agrarian question in general. We speak about Max’s background in agrarian movements with a particular focus on the Arab region, the Cochabamba People’s Agreement and its relevance today, the critique of the current Green New Deal and of eco-modernism, the appearing splits in the ruling class between fossil and non-fossil capital, unequal environmental exchange, climate reparations and the conflicting tendencies within the degrowth movement. We also talk about the necessity of centering land and food in our political programs, and its usefulness in providing a bridge between current iterations of the Green New Deal and the future we want to see.
The Cochabamba People’s Agreement with Annexes
The Green New Deal and Beyond: The Road From Climate Emergency to Economic Reality – Stan Cox (Land Institute)
Does the Arab region have an agrarian question? – Max Ajl