Letter: Stance Regarding Prison Break in Israel and Occupied Palestine

Oct. 12, 2023

The initial Hamas prison break out of Gaza and attack on Israeli military installations, militarized settlements and Israeli population centers looked like this might be the beginning of a new struggle. After a few days assessing the fallout and remembering the power dynamics within the Palestinian region, the Middle East and globally, it’s clear for now, not much will change.

Something of note is the willingness for western mainstream press to openly discuss the political reality for Palestinians for the first time. I can count multiple segments both on CNN and MSNBC in which not only did I see a much more fair and transparent discussion but it was Palestinians in some cases invited on as guests. Now that maybe surprising to some but to us that study what the press and US empire institutions allow on the air it was quite a shot of adrenaline.

Now the statement on the violence in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories is deeply influenced by the public statements put out by both Congresswomen Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib:

DETROIT — Today, Representative Rashida Tlaib (MI-12) released the following statement:

I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day. I am determined as ever to fight for a just future where everyone can live in peace, without fear and with true freedom, equal rights, and human dignity. The path to that future must include lifting the blockade, ending the occupation, and dismantling the apartheid system that creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that can lead to resistance. The failure to recognize the violent reality of living under siege, occupation, and apartheid makes no one safer. No person, no child anywhere should have to suffer or live in fear of violence. We cannot ignore the humanity in each other. As long as our country provides billions in unconditional funding to support the apartheid government, this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue.

Now there is a very simple principled manner in which we can address the current crisis in Israel and occupied Palestine. We know the flawed international law system that governs our world through US controlled global and regional institutions was created by US empire and to the benefit of its interests. However much we realize we need a new standard for a post-US global order, unfortunately for now we must use what we are dealt to deal with our political reality. We do have a standard for lawful warfare and what amounts to war crimes. Both the initial attacks and kidnappings by Hamas of Israeli civilians and Israel’s retaliation on Palestinians living in Gaza are war crimes. Any targeting of civilians should not be supported. At the same time the apartheid regime and brutal military occupation forced upon Palestinians both in Gaza and the West Bank, as well as Israel proper, is an ongoing war crime.

As an American speaking to activists and individuals in the US the best we can do with the little power and influence we have is to demand our government stop aiding and abetting in this criminal regime that only brings more violence to Palestinians and Israelis alike. The US must stop politically, economically, and militarily supporting the Israeli government, handing it a blank check annually. This is difficult because we don’t have a government that is principled or democratic. It economically and militarily benefits as well from the current relationship with Israel. The only chance we have to influence our government to stop their support of Israeli apartheid is a movement for democratic political power inside the US itself. That movement is taking shape as a Movement for a Democratic US Constitution within DSA and the larger US left.

Lucas C De Hart

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