Letter: To Communists and Communist Organizations

May 26, 2024

Communists in Manchester will be standing in the general election, whenever it is called. We will be standing in Manchester Central on a communist manifesto that argues that not only is an alternative to the capitalist present needed but there is an alternative. Communism.

We need to have confidence that our ideas can, in time, become popular and common sense in society. Therefore, we must make the case for a communist alternative in public, in a manner open to scrutiny and debate, and seek to win people to our vision of humanity overcoming capitalism. 

It is long overdue that communists, revolutionaries, and militant workers should organize together in a party. Our contention is that through common work common organization will be shown as necessary and desirable. 

We say that the power to supersede capitalism rests in the hands of the majority in society, the working class. Our manifesto states that:

Change—real change—must look beyond this system. This means breaking the domination of the minority and instead putting the control of society and its resources into the hands of the majority, the working class. 

When it comes to the here and now, we are against the war drive and oppose all spending on arms. Further, any step that improves the lot of the majority in society either materially, culturally or in terms of political power should be supported. However, small gains and wins are only temporary. We are for a complete break, as we write in our manifesto: “it is not the project of communists to manage this system.”

Manchester is a city that displays all the contradictions of capitalism today. Enormous wealth alongside crushing poverty, fake official anti-racism alongside thuggish attacks on migrants by the council, and of course a city where landlords and property barons call the shots and pocket ever greater cuts from Mancunians wages. We say: 

‘Brand Manchester’ makes the claim: “this is Manchester, we do things differently here” —but in reality this empty slogan is a cheap facade barely covering up an all too familiar scene of widespread poverty, brought about by profiteering and control of our city by a tiny minority. We say let's actually do things differently.

In order for us to do this we need money. To those who want to see a bold communist intervention at the elections we ask that you donate to our campaign. Even better get in touch with us and get involved, we have many doors to knock, conversations to be had and connections to be made.

You can donate to our campaign on our website: www.communistfuture.com

Or by bank transfer:

Name - Communist Future

Sort Code - 30-99-50

Account Number - 36476763

-Communist Future, Manchester, UK

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