
Dueling Slogans

Luke Pickrell, July 7, 2023

Henry De Groot argues against the "ultra-political" tendency that forefronts agitation for the democratic republic. Read Article.


Red Pride

Glen Hardie, June 30, 2023

Glen Hardie reflects on the way in which the work of communist activist and Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) co-founder Mark Ashton is presented in 2014 film 'Pride' and argues that socialists, like the queer community represented by the real LGSM, must be 'out': open and explicit about who and what they are. Read Article.


Where Lies the New Moment?: Wang Hui and the Retreat From Class

Matthew Strupp, June 28, 2023

Matthew Strupp traces and critiques the intellectual trajectory of Chinese 'New Left' philosopher Wang Hui. Read Article.


The Slogan of Our Time

Luke Pickrell, June 21, 2023

Talking about socialism in the abstract is not enough, argues Luke Pickrell. We need a roadmap, and the slogan of the Democratic Republic shows the way forward. Read Article.


Cop City or People’s City? Atlanta at the Crossroads

June 16, 2023

S.A. Reed reports on the June 5th protest against Cop City in Atlanta and offers a potential path forward for the movement against the U.S. police state. Read Article.


Science and Democratic Management

Amelia Davenport, June 13, 2023

Amelia Davenport provides a brief overview of left-wing approaches to scientific management and argues that this field of inquiry should be embraced by socialist labor militants today. Read Article.


Che and Mao: Revolution Within the Revolution?

Doug Enaa Greene, June 7, 2023

In deconstructing the lives and legacies of Che Guevara and Mao Zedong, Doug Enaa Greene traces a shared thread of revolutionary opposition to Stalinist dogmatism. Read Article.


There Is Never One Lamb Alone: On Finding Unity in Diversity

Marisa Miale, June 2, 2023

Splits and purges are no solution to the problem of disagreement in the socialist movement. Marisa Miale calls for unity in diversity in the context of the DSA. Read By: LC Read Article.


Socializing Care: Against Domestic Realism

May 30, 2023

The Cibcom Collective take aim at domestic realism, arguing that feminist planning of the domestic economy is necessary to the communist project. This is a translation of an article originally published in Jacobin América Latina. Read Article.


Marxism and the Democratic Republic

Luke Pickrell, May 25, 2023

Luke Pickrell of Marxist Unity Group emphasizes the centrality of radical democracy to the communist project and reintroduces the construction of the democratic republic as the foundational political goal for socialists today. He emphatically asserts that if socialists are to defeat the tricephalic hydra of capitalist domination, we must aim for the heart - "the source and parent of all the other atrocities" - the US Constitution. Luke spoke on Marxism and Radical Republicanism at the 15th annual international convention for Platypus Affiliated Society. | Read by Aliyah VP Read Article.