
Atom Bombs, National Security, and Empire: Year Seventy-Eight of the Cold War

Gil Schaeffer, April 1, 2023

Gil Schaeffer looks to the Civil Rights and Anti-Vietnam War movements as examples of how the modern left can best articulate its opposition to the current agenda of US imperialism. Read Article.


Conquering Democracy, Abolishing Political Representation

March 29, 2023

The Cibcom Collective argues that Communist society will require an overcoming of political representation in favor of forms of direct democracy like sortition and referendum. Read by: Will Read Article.


Solidarity Sometimes: U.S. Organized Labor's Cold War Policy in Central and South America

Hank Kennedy, March 22, 2023

Hank Kennedy presents a historical overview of the reactionary Cold War international policy of the Meany/Kirkland era AFL-CIO, with a focus on its relations with trade unions in Central and South America. Read Article.


For a Blue-Collar, Proletarian Socialist Movement

Ben Solidaridad, March 16, 2023

Ben Solidaridad argues for the centrality of the manufacturing proletariat to the modern socialist project, claiming that this section of the population carries not only strategic leverage but also potential for class consciousness. Read Article.


Will the Teamsters Finally End Their Love Affair with UPS? A Concise History of Teamster-UPS Relations

Edgar Esquivel, March 10, 2023

Edgar Esquivel details the long and tumultuous history of Teamster relations with United Parcel Service, showing a story of both class collaboration and rank-and-file resistance. Read Article.


Race and Socialism: 'People of Color' and a 'New' Political Re-Alignment

Sudip Bhattacharya, March 8, 2023

Sudip Bhattacharya analyzes the multiracial voting bloc that has coalesced behind the Democratic Party under the umbrella term 'People of Color,' arguing that this coalition, rather than organically producing a socialist politics, must be actively courted by socialists from these communities. Read Article.


Unite the Pro-Party Wing to Revolutionize the DSA!

Shuvu Bhattarai, March 3, 2023

Shuvu Bhattarai of the Marxist Unity Group outlines an overview of the recent history of DSA and finds a demarcation between pro-party and anti-party tendencies, calling on those sympathetic to the former to join the fight for a mass socialist party in the United States of America. Reading: Aliyah Read Article.


Socialism With American Characteristics

Luke Pickrell, March 1, 2023

Luke Pickrell and Myra Janis critique the 2019 updated party program of the Communist Party, USA, arguing that the CPUSA's continued commitment to the Popular Front produces an unwieldy document incapable of charting a strategic path forward for socialists. Read Article.


On Bordiga’s 'Democratic Principle'

Daniel Melo, February 24, 2023

Francesco Sartor responds to last year's debate on Italian Communist Party founder Amadeo Bordiga's understanding of democracy with an analysis of his 1922 article 'The Democratic Principle.' Read Article.


For a 21st Century Marxism

Steve Bloom, February 17, 2023

Steve Bloom considers what is living and what is dead in the corpus of Marxism with the intention of forging an adequate revolutionary theory for modern times. Read Article.