Critical Realism and the Return of Marxist Materialism

David M. Kutzik, April 23, 2022

David M. Kutzik and Douglas V. Porpora explore the similarities and differences between two connected but separate schools of thought: Critical Realism and Marxism. Read Article.


Legislative Campaigns and “Policy Feedback”: an Assessment of DSA’s Orientation Towards the Fight for Reforms

Isaac KD, April 20, 2022

With a focus on the recent organizing work of New York City Democratic Socialists of America, Comrades Isaac KD and Jack L critique the notion of a "policy feedback" loop as the guiding element of DSA's legislative strategy, as well as provide an alternative socialist framework for how DSA can engage with reform campaigns. Read Article.


Surge and Decline, Part 1: World Domination

Josh Messite, April 13, 2022

Josh Messite, editor at Negation Magazine, begins his five-part series on US imperialists’ unsuccessful attempts to subjugate Afghanistan and secure their unrivaled position atop the world-system. Read Article.


Socialism of the Oppressed: The Stakes of the Bowman Affair

Marisa Miale, April 9, 2022

Jean Allen and Marisa Miale, authors of For An Internationalist DSA, sketch out a strategy for building a left opposition committed to electoral discipline and unity between socialism and the international working-class. Reading: LC. Read Article.


Endless Muddle: Gil Schaeffer on Democracy, Socialism and Liberal-Democratic Rights

Renzo Llorente, April 6, 2022

Renzo Llorente critically responds to Gil Schaeffer's views on democratic rights and socialism. Read Article.


Manifesto for Post-Pandemic Politics

Conrad Hamilton, April 2, 2022

Manifesto for Post-Pandemic Politics was first published by &&&, the journal for the New Centre for Research & Practice, on November 11, 2021. It is re-published here, with a special addendum for Cosmonaut, so as to coincide with the Platypus International Convention 2022--an event which will also be exploring the idiom of "post-pandemic politics," and will feature a presentation by Manifesto co-author Conrad Hamilton. Read Article.


Cesar Chavez at 95: Debunking the Myth

Edgar Esquivel, March 31, 2022

Edgar Esquivel gives a counter-history to the mythology surrounding United Farm Workers leader Cesar Chavez. Read Article.


Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn: A Superb Satire of Petty-Bourgeois Conformism and Capitalist Barbarity

Christos Kefalis, March 25, 2022

Christos Kefalis praises Romanian filmmaker Radu Jude's new film Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn as a devastating critique of contemporary Romanian capitalism and defends the director from accusations of anti-communism. Kefalis is a Greek writer and editor of the journal Marxist Thought. Read Article.


Which Way Forward for the Marxist Left?

Charlie Frank, March 23, 2022

In light of the liquidation of DSA's BDS working group, Charlie Frank argues that Marxists must continue the political fight rather than turn towards localist activism or the various left-wing sects. Read Article.


Towards an Organized Science

Scientific Workers Collective, March 19, 2022

How can the working class take hold of the forces of science, today held under the sway of corporate and imperialist interests? The Scientific Workers Collective offers a potential way forward. Read Article.