
Power as Savior and Destroyer of the World

Cold and Dark Stars, December 10, 2019

Latest from Cold and Dark Stars. Economic laws are sold to us by those in power as natural laws beyond our own control rather than forms of class power that can be challenged and overcome. Read Article.


An Accumulation of Affect

Richard Hunsinger, December 7, 2019

Discourse related to the concept of emotional labor can highlight the way capitalism distorts our humanity or merely naturalize capitalism, argues Richard Hunsinger. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Ali Shariati: Ideologue of the Iranian Revolution

Lydia Apolinar, November 29, 2019

Lydia Apolinar writes on Ali Shariati and his use and misuse during the Iranian Revolution. Read Article.


'The United Front' by Jose Carlos Mariategui

Renato Flores, November 23, 2019

Translation and introduction by Renato Flores. Read Article.


Organizing for Power: Stealing Fire From the Gods

Amelia Davenport, November 19, 2019

Amelia Davenport argues for leftist organizers to reclaim the ideas of Taylor's Scientific Management, making a broader argument for the relevance of cybernetics, cultural revolution in the workers' movement, and a Promethean vision of socialism. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Listen to an interview with the author here. Read Article.


Revolutionary Reels: Soviet Propaganda Film and the Russian Revolution

Shalon Van Tine, November 15, 2019

Shalon Van Tine provides an overview of Soviet Film and its development in relation to the politics of the USSR and Bolshevik Revolution. Read Article.


Remembering Noel Ignatiev

Gus Breslauer, November 12, 2019

Gus Breslauer commemorates Noel Ignatiev, a communist and race abolitionist who died this month while leaving behind a legacy that should serve as an inspiration to all dedicated to a world beyond exploitation and oppression. Read Article.


Which Side Are You On?: The Challenge of the 1974 Ethiopian Revolution

Ian Scott Horst, November 7, 2019

The Ethiopian Revolution teaches modern leftists an important lesson about international solidarity, argues Ian Scott Horst. Read Article.


Carrying the Burden of Communist Man

Donald Parkinson, November 1, 2019

Donald Parkinson weighs in how communists should relate to our difficult history. We can neither be in denial of our failures or refuse to own up to them. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


"Socially Organized Society: Socialist Society" by Alexander Bogdanov

Amelia Davenport, October 25, 2019

Introduction by Amelia Davenport. From A Short Course of Economic Science. Read Article.