Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina is a doctoral student in physics at the University of Maryland. He works at the Joint Quantum Institute as a researcher in quantum computing, many-body quantum, and condensed-matter theory. He is a member of the Cosmonaut Staff and writes on science, economics, and philosophy.

From the Fields to the Stars!: Sputnik, Spaceflight and the Soviet Imagination

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina, February 14, 2022

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The Grey Tree of Post-Keynesianism and Monetarism: The Classical Account, Inflation, and Unemployment

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina, June 1, 2019

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina takes a look at Keynesianism and Modern Monetary Theory and argues they are based on an idealistic notion of science. Read Article.


In Defense of the Labor Theory of Value

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina, April 21, 2019

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina examines the labor theory of value and references philosophy of science to defend it from critics. Features a reading guide to works on the philosophy of science, Marxism, and their relations. Read Article.