Considerations on the Basis of the Socio-Political, Economic and Cultural Development of the Turkic Peoples of Asia and Europe by Mirsaid Sultan Galiev
Örsan Şenalp, June 25, 2019
Translation and introduction by Örsan Şenalp and Asim Khairdean. Read Article.
Invasion: A Story of Anti-Colonial Resistance
Medway Baker, February 12, 2020
Medway Baker reviews and contextualizes a short documentary on struggles of the Wet’suwet’en against the modern Canadian state. Read Article.
The Practical Policy of Revolutionary Defeatism
Matthew Strupp, April 6, 2020
Matthew Strupp lays out the politics of revolutionary defeatism in contrast to the approaches of third-campism and third-worldism. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism in the Second International
Donald Parkinson, April 18, 2020
Karl Marx's own ambiguous and sometimes contradictory views on colonialism meant that the Second International would debate over the correct view on the matter. Donald Parkinson gives an overview of these debates, arguing that Communists today must unite around a clear anti-colonial and anti-imperialist program. Read Article.
On the Current Phase of the Class Struggle in Algeria by Robert Linhart
Stepan Afanasyev, November 6, 2021
Translation and Introduction by Stepan Afanasyev. Read Article.
The African Blood Brotherhood, its Relations and Legacy
Ian Szabo, February 16, 2022
Combining the insights of previous scholarship with information gathered from Bureau of Investigation (BOI, predecessor of the FBI) surveillance documents, Ian Szabo presents a new angle on the history of the African Blood Brotherhood (ABB), illustrating the organizations' particular synthesis of Black radical politics and Marxism, as well as revealing the racial fantasy through which contemporaneous mainstream U.S. media and the state understood its methods and goals. Read Article.