Race, Class and the Zionist State
Gus Breslauer, June 16, 2021
Gus Breslauer responds to Angry Workers of the World on the issue of Palestine and Zionism. There is no path "around" Intifada, the working class must go in-and-through it. Ready By Will Read Article.
Anti-Postone: Introduction
Maciej Zurowski, February 3, 2022
In this, the introduction to Cosmonaut Press’s Anti-Postone by Michael Sommer, Mike Macnair critiques the historical accuracy of Postone's work and situates it in its historical context as part of the Frankfurt School-inspired New Left. Anti-Postone, which includes this introduction, a preface from translator Maciej Zurowski and Sommer’s essay, has now been printed and is available for purchase on Amazon and in the Cosmonaut webstore. Read Article.
Which Way Forward for the Marxist Left?
Charlie Frank, March 23, 2022
In light of the liquidation of DSA's BDS working group, Charlie Frank argues that Marxists must continue the political fight rather than turn towards localist activism or the various left-wing sects. Read Article.
Surge and Decline, Part 2: Course Correction
Josh Messite, June 24, 2022
Josh Messite, editor at Negation Magazine, traces the roots of 9/11 and the “War on Terror” it justified all the way back to mid-century efforts by Saudi and American reactionary elites to violently suppress threats to their domestic and international dominance. Read Article.
It's Time to Face the Facts: Zionism is Inherently Anti-Semitic
Leon Lorraine, December 7, 2023
Leon Lorraine insists that the decolonization of Israel is the essential demand amidst the global rise of antisemitism. Read Article.