Leon Trotsky and Cultural Revolution
Doug Enaa Greene, May 12, 2019
Doug Enaa Greene argues that in Trotsky's work a theory of cultural revolution can be found, one which differs from Mao Zedong's that was developed in the context of the Russian Revolution and its struggle against bureaucracy. Read Article.
Culture Beyond Capital: Art, Authenticity, and the 21st Century Workers’ Movement
Cliff Connolly, July 10, 2019
The course of the twentieth century has seen art and culture become increasingly subsumed into the logic of capital. A crucial element of a base-building strategy must be to foster an alternative proletarian culture outside the sphere of commodity production for the cultural enrichment and self-expression of workers, argues Cliff Connolly. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Revolutionary Reels: Soviet Propaganda Film and the Russian Revolution
Shalon Van Tine, November 15, 2019
Shalon Van Tine provides an overview of Soviet Film and its development in relation to the politics of the USSR and Bolshevik Revolution. Read Article.
Workers and Writers: The Communist Novel in Britain
Lawrence Parker, August 14, 2020
The history of the British communist novel is ultimately the story of the political degeneration of the Communist Party of Great Britain. By Lawrence Parker. Reading: LC. Read Article.
Lenin and Art by Lunacharsky
Cliff Connolly, January 21, 2021
In honor of Lenin on the anniversary of his death, we publish this short essay by Lunacharsky on Lenin's views regarding art. This text was originally published in “Khudozhnik i Zritel” (Artist and Audience), issues 2-3, March-April 1924, and has been translated by Reuben Woolley. Introduction by Cliff Connolly. The original source of the translation can be found here. Read Article.
The Horizons of Emancipatory Political Theater: Boal's Theater of the Oppressed in Light of Brecht and Rancière
Renato Flores, December 5, 2022
Renato Flores explores the development and impact of Brazilian dramaturg Augusto Boal's influential 'Theatre of the Oppressed,' historically contextualizing Boal's idiosyncratic approach to theater as a response to the work of Bertolt Brecht and contrasting it with the philosophy of Jacques Rancière. Read Article.
Artificial Intelligence, Universal Machines, and Killing Bourgeois Dreams
Nicolas D Villarreal, May 10, 2023
Nicolas D Villarreal tackles the question of artificial intelligence from a Marxist perspective, arguing against both utopian and dystopian prophecies regarding the emergence of these new technologies. Read Article.