Saint Francis of Assisi by Karl Kautsky
Rida Vaquas, July 29, 2019
Translation and introduction by Rida Vaquas. Read Article.
Ali Shariati: Ideologue of the Iranian Revolution
Lydia Apolinar, November 29, 2019
Lydia Apolinar writes on Ali Shariati and his use and misuse during the Iranian Revolution. Read Article.
Faith, Family and Folk: Against the Trad Left
Donald Parkinson, December 28, 2019
Donald Parkinson takes issue with the calls for a "socially conservative leftism" that have increased in popularity since Jeremy Corbyn's defeat in the UK election. Reading: Matthew Strupp. Read Article.
On Hasidic Jews, Anti-Semitism and Non-Profits
Lane Silberstein, January 7, 2020
In light of recent antisemitic attacks, Lane Silberstein gives perspective on political divisions and class contradictions within the Jewish community, particularly Hasidic Jews. Read Article.
Terrestrial Shamanism against the Exterminist Leviathan
Renato Flores, March 19, 2020
Renato Flores argues that a grand narrative is needed to unify and mobilize the exploited and oppressed against an exterminist world order. Read Article.
The Invisible Landscape: Tracing the Spiritualist Utopianism of Nineteenth-Century America
Edmund Berger, April 11, 2020
Edmund Berger explores the hidden history of Utopian Socialism and its close relationship with cultures of esoteric spirituality in the nineteenth-century United States. Read Article.
Freedom in Death: Liberalism and the Apocalypse
Medway Baker, April 14, 2020
Medway Baker calls for uncompromising faith in the cause of communism in the face of a capitalist civilization that is destroying humanity. Read Article.
Marx Beyond the Mystics
Peter Claassen, June 27, 2020
Continuing our theme of exploring the relationship between religion and socialism, Peter Claassen argues that the influence of Christian Mysticism on Hegel impacted the thought of Karl Marx. Read Article.
The Materialism of Warm-Stream Marxism: Ernst Bloch on Ibn Sina
Daniel Tutt, August 5, 2020
Daniel Tutt writes on German Marxist Ernst Bloch's engagement with the Islamic scholar Ibn Sina and its potential for revitalizing materialist philosophy. Read Article.
The Zhenotdel and Women's Emancipation in the Central Asian Republics with Anne McShane
Donald Parkinson, October 4, 2020