A Fight on Two Fronts: On Jean-Luc Godard’s La Chinoise
Doug Enaa Greene, August 28, 2019
Doug Enaa Greene and Shalon van Tine discuss Jean-Luc Godard's 1967 film La Chinoise in its historical context. Read Article.
Against the Undead Cult of Socialist Realism
Christian Noakes, November 4, 2022
Christian Noakes takes aim at nostalgic mobilizations of socialist realist visual art, arguing that U.S. socialists must both become more familiar with socialist art made outside the Soviet Bloc and begin to make art of their own. Read Article.
The Horizons of Emancipatory Political Theater: Boal's Theater of the Oppressed in Light of Brecht and Rancière
Renato Flores, December 5, 2022
Renato Flores explores the development and impact of Brazilian dramaturg Augusto Boal's influential 'Theatre of the Oppressed,' historically contextualizing Boal's idiosyncratic approach to theater as a response to the work of Bertolt Brecht and contrasting it with the philosophy of Jacques Rancière. Read Article.