

Workers and Writers: The Communist Novel in Britain

Lawrence Parker, August 14, 2020

The history of the British communist novel is ultimately the story of the political degeneration of the Communist Party of Great Britain. By Lawrence Parker. Reading: LC. Read Article.


Escaping the Labour Left ‘Safety Valve’: Towards Dual Power in Britain

Alfie Hancox, February 11, 2021

Is the UK Labour Party a possible vehicle for working-class emancipation? Alfie Hancox argues in the negative, posing the regroupment of communists independent of the Labour Party as an alternative. Read Article.


Red Pride

Glen Hardie, June 30, 2023

Glen Hardie reflects on the way in which the work of communist activist and Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) co-founder Mark Ashton is presented in 2014 film 'Pride' and argues that socialists, like the queer community represented by the real LGSM, must be 'out': open and explicit about who and what they are. Read Article.


More or Less Erfurt? The CPGB’s 1939 Draft Programme

Lawrence Parker, October 20, 2023

Lawrence Parker details the history of and reception to the document which, he argues, drew upon "disgraced" figures such as Kautsky and Bukharin and captured the CPGB’s Janus-faced nature at the outset of the Second World War. Read Article.