Memo on DSA Electoral Campaigns
Peter Moody, October 29, 2018
DSA member Peter Moody looks over DSA's electoral strategy and its current application, specifically in the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaign, arguing that the task of making candidates accountable to the organization is far from complete. Read Article.
What do the Democratic Socialists of America stand for politically?
DT Seel, November 6, 2018
The typical medium through which political organizations have presented their vision of social change is the political program or platform. Despite lacking an official platform, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has endorsed candidates that do have official platforms. DT Seel, using a method of induction based on the content of these platforms, proposes what the DSA's program would be if based on the politics of its endorsed candidates. This 'inductive program' is then examined and put under critique. Read Article.
DSA National Convention: Fog & Storm
Miah Simone, September 14, 2019
Gabriel Pierre & Miah Simone report on the 2019 DSA convention. Response from members of the editorial board of Cosmonaut here. Read Article.
For the Unity of Marxists: A Response to Fog & Storm
Rosa Janis, September 14, 2019
Rosa Janis and Parker McQueeney respond to "DSA Convention: Fog & Storm," arguing that the approach the authors argue for de-emphasizes issues of political struggle. Read Article.
Beginnings of Politics: DSA and the Uprising
Taylor B, November 12, 2020
Writing in August, Taylor B argues that we must look to new emancipatory forces arising in the current conjuncture instead of seeking to impose older forms of organization. We aim for this piece to be a jumping-off point for a broader debate about strategy and the party-form in our current historical moment. Read Article.
A Twelve-Step Program for Democrat Addiction
Ben Grove, December 10, 2020
Ben Grove lays out a twelve-step program for the Democratic Socialists of America to pursue a path of independent working-class politics. Reading: Christian Cail. Read Article.
Party and Subject: A Reply to Donald Parkinson
Taylor B, February 20, 2021
Taylor B continues the debate on political subjectivity, revolutionary strategy and the party-form, responding to Donald Parkinson's Without a Party, We Have Nothing. Read Article.
Why Run Independents? A Response to Collective Power Network
Ben Grove, May 21, 2021
Ben Grove responds to Brad C. of Collective Power Network, arguing that the time for independent politics is now. Read Article.
Tribunes of the People
Ben Grove, July 10, 2021
Ben Grove defends the 'Tribunes of the People' resolution promoted by the Marxist Unity Slate for the upcoming 2021 DSA convention, arguing that the Socialist movement can and must keep its candidates accountable. Read Article.