Capitalism: What it is and How to Abolish It
M.K. Owen, November 8, 2018
M.K. Owen provides an analysis of capitalism as a historically specific mode of production and provides a vision towards what an alternative to this system would look like, calling for democratic planning of the economy that carries on the work of Project Cybersyn. Read Article.
Making State Theory Revolutionary
Donald Parkinson, February 1, 2019
State theory must move beyond questions of methodology and move into deeper political questions such as the political form of a workers regime, argues Donald Parkinson. Read Article.
New Perspectives On Popular Struggle in Venezuela Against Intervention
March 6, 2019
Our comrade from Venezuela provides us with another dispatch, giving a strategic view on the situation arguing that a defensive war against imperialism must be transformed into a People's War that changes the nature of society itself in a radical way, furthering the most radical aspects of the Bolivarian Revolution. Read Article.
Whose Democracy?: An Introduction to Oligarchy in the United States
J.R. Murray, June 20, 2019
The United States is a mockery of what democracy is supposed to be. J.R. Murray unpacks the reality of a corrupt system that is designed to empower the rich against the working class majority. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
The Party, the Just City, and the Sacred Fire
Cold and Dark Stars, July 24, 2019
Latest from Cold and Dark Stars. To pursue an emancipatory politics that can address planetary climate change, one must answer the question of "what is the good life?" Yet for this question to be intelligible, a Polis that understands its relation to the cosmos, prefigured by the Party, is necessary. Read Article.
The Military Question in the Framework of the Construction of the Communal State
Debs Bruno, September 18, 2019
Translation by Rudy Flores and Debs Bruno of a document from the Venezuelan Left on the question of the Communal State and Military organization. Read Article.
A Critical History of Management Thought
Jean Allen, May 8, 2020
Can capitalist management thought provide solutions to the problems of the socialist movement? Jean Allen urges doubt and skepticism in this critical review of Morgan Witzel’s A History Of Management Thought. Read Article.
US Constitution: Hiding in Plain Sight
Daniel Lazare, September 29, 2020
Daniel Lazare writes on the US Constitution, its inherent contradictions, and why socialists should oppose it. Read Article.
Lenin and the “Class Point of View”: Looking at Chris Maisano’s “The Constitution and the Class Struggle”
Gil Schaeffer, December 2, 2020
Gil Schaeffer responds to Chris Maisano's "The Constitution and the Class Struggle" to clarify the meaning of the "class point of view" in Lenin and what it can tell us about the struggle for democracy. Read Article.
A Twelve-Step Program for Democrat Addiction
Ben Grove, December 10, 2020
Ben Grove lays out a twelve-step program for the Democratic Socialists of America to pursue a path of independent working-class politics. Reading: Christian Cail. Read Article.