

How to Play with Fire: Electoral Politics in the Heart of Empire

October 2, 2018

Ira Pollock examines the difficulties of left electoral strategy regarding the question of imperialism and affirms the importance of upholding strong anti-imperialist principles in electoral campaigns. Otherwise, the left itself can become an arm of the imperialist state. Read Article.


Long Term Failures: A Short History of the CIA and Destabilization of Leftist Governments in Latin America

M. Earl Smith, November 20, 2018

M. Earl Smith’s extensive research into and historical expose of the CIA’s activity in South America displays a historical truth which is systematically and strenuously suppressed in the American mass media. The American public consequently has a disturbingly high approval of the CIA, with more citizens supporting than opposing ‘the Company’. M. E. Smith asserts correctly that many south and central American countries have seen successful leftist governments, despite many contrary efforts of the CIA. Yet the editors of Cosmonaut believe it necessary to clarify our views on this matter: The elected governments of South America, such as the Ecuadorian government under Correa, Morales’s government in Bolivia or Chile’s social-democratic policies, all do not leave the framework of capitalism and its state order. While they certainly have improved the lives for many millions, these are gains resting on the shaky foundations (and economic vulnerabilities) of liberal capitalism. Read Article.


The Scam of Representation: Dispatch from Venezuela

January 31, 2019

By publishing this statement from an anonymous Venezuelan citizen, we aim to provide a counter to the narrative that the US-backed Guiado coup is a legitimate expression of the discontent of the popular masses with the mismanagement of the economy by Maduro. While critical of the Maduro government, with their concessions to the national and international bourgeoisie and halting of the revolutionary process, the author argues that the popular masses must stand with Maduro against imperialist intervention. Read Article.


New Perspectives On Popular Struggle in Venezuela Against Intervention

March 6, 2019

Our comrade from Venezuela provides us with another dispatch, giving a strategic view on the situation arguing that a defensive war against imperialism must be transformed into a People's War that changes the nature of society itself in a radical way, furthering the most radical aspects of the Bolivarian Revolution. Read Article.


Considerations on the Basis of the Socio-Political, Economic and Cultural Development of the Turkic Peoples of Asia and Europe by Mirsaid Sultan Galiev

Örsan Şenalp, June 25, 2019

Translation and introduction by Örsan Şenalp and Asim Khairdean. Read Article.


The Party, the Just City, and the Sacred Fire

Cold and Dark Stars, July 24, 2019

Latest from Cold and Dark Stars. To pursue an emancipatory politics that can address planetary climate change, one must answer the question of "what is the good life?" Yet for this question to be intelligible, a Polis that understands its relation to the cosmos, prefigured by the Party, is necessary. Read Article.


Holocaust Capitalism

Richard Hunsinger, August 21, 2019

Richard Hunsinger argues that migrant concentration camps represent a descent into fascist barbarism and are related to the inherent tendencies of capitalism. Reading: Remi Debs. Read Article.


Terrestrial Shamanism against the Exterminist Leviathan

Renato Flores, March 19, 2020

Renato Flores argues that a grand narrative is needed to unify and mobilize the exploited and oppressed against an exterminist world order. Read Article.


The Practical Policy of Revolutionary Defeatism

Matthew Strupp, April 6, 2020

Matthew Strupp lays out the politics of revolutionary defeatism in contrast to the approaches of third-campism and third-worldism. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism in the Second International

Donald Parkinson, April 18, 2020

Karl Marx's own ambiguous and sometimes contradictory views on colonialism meant that the Second International would debate over the correct view on the matter. Donald Parkinson gives an overview of these debates, arguing that Communists today must unite around a clear anti-colonial and anti-imperialist program.  Read Article.