

In Defense of the Labor Theory of Value

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina, April 21, 2019

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina examines the labor theory of value and references philosophy of science to defend it from critics. Features a reading guide to works on the philosophy of science, Marxism, and their relations. Read Article.


Why Machines Don't Create Value

Ian Wright, October 16, 2021

Ian Wright defends Marx's theory of surplus-value and its claim that human labor is the ultimate cause of economic profit.  Read Article.


Letter: Surplus Value, Machines, and Profit

August 30, 2022

Read Article.


Letter: A Reconsideration of Surplus Value, Machines, and Profit

September 20, 2022

Read Article.


Artificial Intelligence, Universal Machines, and Killing Bourgeois Dreams

Nicolas D Villarreal, May 10, 2023

Nicolas D Villarreal tackles the question of artificial intelligence from a Marxist perspective, arguing against both utopian and dystopian prophecies regarding the emergence of these new technologies. Read Article.