

Economic Circulations: Blood-Based Systems of Value in Alexander Bogdanov’s Red Star

Virginia L. Conn, February 1, 2020

Virginia L. Conn discusses the nature of blood exchange as a basis for collectivism in Alexander Bogdanov sci-fi masterpiece Red Star. Read Article.


Workers and Writers: The Communist Novel in Britain

Lawrence Parker, August 14, 2020

The history of the British communist novel is ultimately the story of the political degeneration of the Communist Party of Great Britain. By Lawrence Parker. Reading: LC. Read Article.


Reintroducing John Dos Passos

Lawrence Parker, March 2, 2022

Lawrence Parker introduces a 1938 New Masses article by Granville Hicks on US writer John Dos Passos and argues that the latter’s work is ripe for re-appropriation and re-examination by the revolutionary left. Read Article.


The Value of Dune: a Communistic Perspective

Jackson Albert Mann, May 17, 2022

Rejecting recent interpretations in the U.S. socialist press as truistic, Jackson Albert Mann makes a case for a particular communistic reading of the first novel in Frank Herbert's Dune franchise. Read Article.