Capitalism: What it is and How to Abolish It
M.K. Owen, November 8, 2018
M.K. Owen provides an analysis of capitalism as a historically specific mode of production and provides a vision towards what an alternative to this system would look like, calling for democratic planning of the economy that carries on the work of Project Cybersyn. Read Article.
Was Mao a Bukharinist?: The “Three-Line Struggle” in Economic Debates Preceding the Great Leap Forward
Matthew Strupp, September 3, 2020
Matthew Strupp examines economic debates in China during the leadup to the Great Leap Forward and assesses comparisons made between Mao and Bukharin. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Ending the Eternal Present: A Historical Materialist Account of the 1970s
Connor Harney, October 17, 2020
The 1970s were a time of turmoil and transition. Connor Harney gives a Marxist account of this pivotal decade. Read Article.
Letter: Balances, Supercomputers, Mao, and Socialist Planning
September 17, 2022
A response to Glushkov and His Ideas: Cybernetics of the Future by Vasiliy Pikhorovich. Read Article.