
Dissolving the People and Electing Another: On Base-Building and Revolutionary Culture

Marisa Miale, January 27, 2022

Drawing from the experience of the Democratic Socialists of America and Marxist Center, Marisa Miale examines the everyday, interpersonal level of party-building and argues for a revolutionary strategy that can weave together cultural intervention, base-building and political unity. Reading: LC. Read Article.


Anti-Postone: Translator's Preface

Maciej Zurowski, January 23, 2022

In this, the preface to Cosmonaut Press’s Anti-Postone by Michael Sommer, translator Maciej Zurowski explains the importance of Sommer’s text to the contemporary left. While the book is largely directed against broad sections of the German antifascist movement, Zurowski argues that a fallacious theory of antisemitism can be easily weaponized in other contexts against leftists and anti-imperialists. Anti-Postone, which includes this preface, along with a lengthy introduction by Mike Macnair and Sommer’s essay, has now been printed and is available for purchase on Amazon and in the Cosmonaut webstore. Read Article.


Not Even the Dead Can Rest While the Living Remain Oppressed: Against Jamaal Bowman and His Apologists

Myra Glass, January 19, 2022

Myra Glass argues that the debate over Jamaal Bowman in the DSA represents a broader fight between those who wish for the organization to take a genuine anti-imperialist and Internationalist direction and those who are still clinging to the organization's Harringtonian origins. Read Article.


Is This Sweat, or Am I Crying?: A Worker's History of Farm and Food in the United States

Taylor Thornburg, January 13, 2022

Taylor Thornburg traces the history of capitalist agriculture from its origin in English feudalism, through the development of 'New World' slavery and Southern sharecropping, to its contemporary industrial integration with the U.S. fast food industry. As Thornburg details, through it all, farm and food workers have fought back against one of the most viciously reactionary stratum of capital, the agricultural landowners. Read Article.


Venezuelan Communes and Dual Power

Nikolaos Dalton, January 9, 2022

Nikolaos Dalton, responding to a recent Cosmopod episode, takes issue with the claim that Communes in Venezuela represent a form of dual power as understood by Lenin and other revolutionaries. Read Article.


Why Bordiga Got Democracy Wrong

Daniel Melo, January 6, 2022

Daniel Melo takes issue with Amadeo Bordiga's rejection of democracy. Read Article.


Hunger Regime

Nathan Eisenberg, January 2, 2022

Why does capitalism produce hunger despite the overproduction of goods? Nathan Eisenberg delves into the contours of the global food system, its political economy, and its contradictions in the first of a series of articles. Read Article.


The Christian Idea of the Messiah by Karl Kautsky

Donald Parkinson, December 24, 2021

Donald Parkinson introduces a passage from Karl Kautksy's Foundations of Christianity. Read Article.


The Contradictions and Confusions of “Democratic Socialism”

Renzo Llorente, December 19, 2021

Renzo Llorente engages with contemporary advocates of Democratic Socialism and argues that they ultimately fail to demarcate between liberal and socialist visions of democracy, resulting in capitulation to the liberal status quo. Read By: Will Read Article.


Where is TDU Going? The Plot Against Teamsters Reform

Edgar Esquivel, December 15, 2021

Edgar Esquivel takes issue with Teamsters for a Democratic Union's endorsement of Sean O'Brien in the latest Teamsters General Executive Board election. Read Article.