
Lenin and the “Class Point of View”: Looking at Chris Maisano’s “The Constitution and the Class Struggle”

Gil Schaeffer, December 2, 2020

Gil Schaeffer responds to Chris Maisano's "The Constitution and the Class Struggle" to clarify the meaning of the "class point of view" in Lenin and what it can tell us about the struggle for democracy. Read Article.


Just Another Kautsky Fan: Understanding the Early Stalin

Lawrence Parker, November 24, 2020

Interpreting Stalin’s fledgling revolutionary career through his later status as a brutal labor dictator obscures an early whole-hearted admiration for the works of Kautsky and Lenin. By Lawrence Parker. Read Article.


Cults of our Hegemony: An Inventory of Left-Wing Cults

Gus Breslauer, November 18, 2020

Destructive cults are usually considered the domain of religious movements. The Left, however, has its own track record of cults. Gus Breslauer sympathetically examines this history in search of the political questions that produce such groups, how they operate, and how to overcome them. Read by Robert Fish. Read Article.


Without a Party, We Have Nothing

Donald Parkinson, November 14, 2020

Donald Parkinson responds to Taylor B's "Beginning's of Politics: DSA and the Uprising," arguing that a workers' party is necessary to advance an emancipatory politics. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Beginnings of Politics: DSA and the Uprising

Taylor B, November 12, 2020

Writing in August, Taylor B argues that we must look to new emancipatory forces arising in the current conjuncture instead of seeking to impose older forms of organization. We aim for this piece to be a jumping-off point for a broader debate about strategy and the party-form in our current historical moment. Read Article.


Walter Polakov and the Hidden History of Socialist Scientific Management

Amelia Davenport, November 10, 2020

Walter Polakov had a combined passion for two seemingly contradictory ideas: scientific management and socialism. How did these two combine? Amelia Davenport interviews Diana Kelly, author of The Red Taylorist: The Life and Times of Walter Nicholas Polakov to bring light to this little known part of US history. Read Article.


The Historic Accomplishment of Karl Marx by Karl Kautsky

Alexander Gallus, November 3, 2020

Translation and introduction by Alexander Gallus. Buy a print copy here. Read Article.


Popular Radicalism in the 1930s: The Forgotten History of the Workers’ Unemployment Insurance Bill

Chris Wright, October 28, 2020

Chris Wright details the popular campaign for the Communist authored Workers' Unemployment Insurance Bill, a moment in US labor history that is overshadowed by Roosevelt's more conservative New Deal programs. Read Article.


Justice of the Inca by Tristan Marof

Renato Flores, October 22, 2020

Translation and Introduction by Renato Flores. Read Article.


Ending the Eternal Present: A Historical Materialist Account of the 1970s

Connor Harney, October 17, 2020

The 1970s were a time of turmoil and transition. Connor Harney gives a Marxist account of this pivotal decade. Read Article.