
Building Camaraderie in the CPUSA, 1930-1950

Josh Morris, March 4, 2019

Josh Morris investigates how the Communist Party USA created a sense of camaraderie in its organizing efforts between members, looking at how both circumstances forced on organizers as well as conscious efforts of the party helped create an organizational culture that promoted (or in some cases damaged) solidarity among workers and oppressed people. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


The Democratic Bolshevik

Alexander Gallus, February 24, 2019

Alexander Gallus reviews Ilona Duczyńska's German language book 'The Democratic Bolshevik' which explores the socialist experiment of Red Vienna and its failure to defend itself from reaction. Reading: Matthew Strupp. Read Article.


No Bernie

Patrick Gibson, February 20, 2019

One of the major political questions facing the Democratic Socialists of America in the near future is how to relate to Bernie Sanders' recently announced 2020 presidential campaign. Already, a vocal and well-connected group of DSA members have put out arguments for a full endorsement and strong involvement in such a campaign. Central NJ DSA member Patrick Gibson provides an alternative view, arguing that the organization should not tie itself to a leader it cannot meaningfully influence or discipline. Read Article.


Early American Socialism and the Poverty of Colorblind Marxism

Donald Parkinson, February 17, 2019

The history of early American Marxism is one of a failed colorblind politics that was incapable of organizing the proletariat in post-Reconstruction United States, argues Donald Parkinson. Read Article.


A Left-Wing History of the Republican Party

M.A. Iasilli, February 10, 2019

Radical Republicanism was a predecessor to Marxism in the United States with its critiques of slavery and wage labor. M.A. Iasilli takes a look at its rarely discussed history. Read Article.


Envisioning a Revolutionary Food System

Gringo Campesino, February 8, 2019

For the revolution to win, it must feed the people. Gringo Campesino argues for a vision of what this may look like. We publish not as a blanket promotion of this vision but to spark a greater discussion/debate on the role of agriculture in a communist revolution. Read Article.


Communists and the Unions in the 21st Century

Anton Johannsen, February 5, 2019

Communists must take a leading role in rebuilding the labor movement and fighting against anti-union laws like Taft-Hartley, argues Anton Johannsen. Read Article.


Making State Theory Revolutionary

Donald Parkinson, February 1, 2019

State theory must move beyond questions of methodology and move into deeper political questions such as the political form of a workers regime, argues Donald Parkinson. Read Article.


The Scam of Representation: Dispatch from Venezuela

January 31, 2019

By publishing this statement from an anonymous Venezuelan citizen, we aim to provide a counter to the narrative that the US-backed Guiado coup is a legitimate expression of the discontent of the popular masses with the mismanagement of the economy by Maduro. While critical of the Maduro government, with their concessions to the national and international bourgeoisie and halting of the revolutionary process, the author argues that the popular masses must stand with Maduro against imperialist intervention. Read Article.


The Solution of Bukharin by Amadeo Bordiga

Leon Thalheimer, January 25, 2019

Translation of and introduction to Amadeo Bordiga's "The Solution of Bukharin" by Leon Thalheimer. Read Article.