A Worker on Workers’ Education
Translation and introduction by Rida Vaquas. The original article can be found here. This article was originally written by Franz Förster (a painter) in 1909, …
Translation and introduction by Rida Vaquas. The original article can be found here. This article was originally written by Franz Förster (a painter) in 1909, …
The May events in 1968 France are now remembered by some as merely a watershed for the rise of neo-liberalism. Donald Parkinson aims to complicate …
M. Earl Smith’s extensive research into and historical expose of the CIA’s activity in South America displays a historical truth which is systematically and strenuously …
Revolution is outdated and no longer a realistic means to achieve socialism according to Nora Belrose, a DSA member who writes a popular blog. Is …
M.K. Owen provides an analysis of capitalism as a historically specific mode of production and provides a vision towards what an alternative to this system …
The typical medium through which political organizations have presented their vision of social change is the political program or platform. Despite lacking an official platform, …
Looking at anti-communism before the McCarthyist era at the local level, Joshua Morris dissects the career of an industrial double-agent William Gernaey. We publish this …
Jean Allen reviews Srnicek & Williams’ ‘Inventing the Future’, which calls for an intellectual counter-hegemony to neoliberalism. Does this proposal for counter-hegemonic institutions really put …
DSA member Peter Moody looks over DSA’s electoral strategy and its current application, specifically in the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaign, arguing that the task of making …
Rosa Janis argues for a theory of crisis and social decay that uses elements of Marx’s Tendency for the Rate of Profit to Fall as …
Alexander Gallus concludes his saga on the Bavarian Soviet Republic and tries to draw political lessons from its failures. The leader of the Bavarian November …
Donald Parkinson takes a look at the history of the First, Second and Third Internationals, arguing for an approach to party-building and political strategy that …
Amelia Davenport interviews Hugo Souza, a militant in the Brazilian left, on organizing, the right-wing Bolsonaro’s campaign that is taking aim at state power with …
Louis August Blanqui was a key revolutionary leader in the French Socialist movement. Yet when the Paris Commune erupted in 1871, Blanqui was in prison, …