Letter: Reply to Macnair on the History of the US New Left
February 4, 2022
“Mike Macnair, in his Introduction to the new Cosmonaut book, Anti-Postone, draws parallels between the British and European New Left and the US New Left. In particular, he …”
Letter: Footnote to Miale on Base, Party and Power
January 30, 2022
“In just a few days, Marisa Miale’s most recent article in Cosmonaut has created some waves on the communist Left. Its examination of the culture of the movement …”
Letter: Strengths and Weaknesses of DSA
January 28, 2022
“To the editors of Cosmonaut, I recently read the essay "Dissolving the people and electing Another" and decided I could contribute my own thoughts on 2 topics it …”
Letter: Socialism and the Democratic Party, divided forever in 2022
January 18, 2022
“The first year of the Joe Biden presidency has proved his invulnerability to the American Left. As the Socialist Call correctly notes in the headline of one recent …”
Letters: Bordiga and the Bathwater
January 8, 2022
“Daniel Melo’s recent article in Cosmonaut is rife with mentions of democracy but very few well-resolved statements of what they really mean by the term. I will admit …”
Letter: Lysenko and Epigenetics
December 16, 2021
“This is a response to the letter: Letter: Lysenko is an Inaccurate Sound Bite - Cosmonaut (cosmonautmag.com) As a student of Marxism and a Master student of biochemistry, …”
Letter: Lysenko is an Inaccurate Sound Bite
December 12, 2021
“Hi there, recent developments in epigenetics encourage a rethinking of Lysenko, for example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5602018/ I suggest that "Lysenko" has become to easy a soundbit to slur Soviet science …”
Letter: Letting The Dead Be Buried
December 4, 2021
“I have been reading the “debates” between the Zero Degree Collective and Matt Colquhoun. I do not know the identity of the Zero Degree Collective, but I can …”
Letter: The False Unity of Repeater Books
November 30, 2021
“In early November, we wrote an article for Cosmonaut expressing concern with the takeover of Zer0 Books by Repeater Books. Repeater, we observed, seemed to be in the …”
Letter: Regarding Debate and Expulsion, a response to Hadas Thier
November 28, 2021
““There are basic questions of democratic norms here, including the setting of a precedent of expelling members for political disagreements without due process. But there are broader political …”
Letter: For Democracy, Not Democrats
November 19, 2021
“Yesterday, members of the Socialist Majority Caucus released an open letter opposing the movement to expel representative Jamaal Bowman from DSA. This letter is pretty easy to reject …”
Letter: Who Are Workers?: A Response to Jacque Erie's Critique of Chris Maisano
November 16, 2021
“Against Sectoral Chauvinism I am writing to express disappointment with Jacque Erie’s article critiquing Chris Maisano. Specifically, I am disappointed with the sectoral chauvinism expressed therein. To be …”
Letter: Perpetual Yawn: More from the Ex-Zer0 Set
November 10, 2021
“It seems various anonymised authors from Zer0 2.0 have come out in defense of the imprint’s conduct in an essay for Cosmonaut magazine. It’s weird of Cosmonaut to …”
Letter: Who's dreaming?
November 9, 2021
“In the past few days, Sweet Dreams of Marxist Unity, a polemic by Dani Lotand directed at the Marxist Unity Group, has been circulating among communists on social …”
Letter: Ian Wright Responds on Machines and Value
November 7, 2021
“My thanks to Rudy and Gil Schaeffer for taking the time to respond to my article, “Why machines don’t create value”. I’ll keep my responses as brief as …”