Letter: What is stopping the DSA?
November 3, 2021
“The recent article by Donald Parkinson was one of the best reviews of the DSA Convention of 2021. As could be expected, it has generated some debate in …”
Letter: In Response to Annie S.
November 2, 2021
“First, I would like to thank her for pointing to me that episode in political history when Bebel and Liebknecht opposed the Prussian war effort. That is the …”
Letter: Response to Tom Joad on DSA
October 29, 2021
“Hello Cosmo comrades, I recently read Tommy Joad's critique of Donald Parkinson's recent article and I not only profoundly disagreed with nearly its entirety but felt it was …”
Letter: In response to Donald Parkinson’s "The Fight for a Marxist Program in the DSA"
October 28, 2021
“Hello Cosmonaut! I have read Donald Parkinson’s (DP hence) article mentioned above, as well as materials which the article mentioned (critique of the DSA from “Left Voice”, and …”
Letter: Response to Donald Parkinson
October 22, 2021
“Hello Donald Parkinson! It was with great interest that I read your 2018 article at Cosmonaut “From Workers’ Party to Workers’ Republic”, https://cosmonaut.blog/2018/10/17/from-workers-party-to-workers-republic/ . I expected you to …”
Letter: Need for a Workers' Encyclopedia
October 20, 2021
“Hello “Cosmonaut”! This is in reply to “Knowledge: power and emancipation”, written in 2020 by Renato Flores. First, I’d like to pick on some phrases from the article. …”
Letter: Comment on “Why Machines Don’t Create Value”
October 19, 2021
“Ian Wright’s analysis of Marx’s value theory begins with Marx’s simple model of production in which there is no mismatch between value and price because the proportion of …”
Letter: Hiding Labor Input, Not Removing It
October 18, 2021
“In response to Ian Wright’s article, I think this is a very interesting article, but I think the section on the Turing test misses two key points which …”
Letter: Response to Comrade Wylie
October 13, 2021
“Hi again, Comrade Wylie's suggestions for updating the terminology are worth considering. That said, my original letter referred specifically to "the workers movement" and not "the left." I …”
Letter: Comments on Jason Moore's interview
October 13, 2021
“I would like to open this letter by enthusiastically stating how excellent and illuminating the recent interview, The World Ecology, with Jason Moore was. The strident affirmation of …”
Letter: Notes on the Theory of Imperialism
October 12, 2021
“It is a welcome sight to see a discussion about the theory of imperialism that is able to follow rigorous and academic research instead of quote-mongering or citing …”
Letter: Comments on John Smith's interview
October 6, 2021
“The interview conducted with John Smith touched on several important points with regards to understanding modern imperialism and its political implications. However, there were several important scientifically erroneous …”
Letter: Reply to Jacob on how to divide tendencies in the left
October 6, 2021
“Comrade Jacob’s recent letter proposes and interesting schema of how the left is divided: “The five tendencies are, from right to left: 1) Right syndicalism – Friedrich Ebert, …”
Letter: Should Austrian Social-Democracy be the model for left unity?
October 5, 2021
“Greetings, Regarding the recent exchange on litmus tests: https://cosmonautmag.com/2021/09/the-problem-with-the-prodigal-son-a-response-to-nicholas-powers-in-democratic-left/ https://cosmonautmag.com/2021/09/letter-no-litmus-test-but-class-struggle/ https://cosmonautmag.com/2021/09/letter-struggle-isnt-enough-on-its-own/ I have to agree with comrade Abner Dalrymple's position on the matter. I agree with that position …”
Letter: DSA Must Discipline Representative Bowman for Supporting Israeli Oppression
October 1, 2021
“On Thursday, September 23rd, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to approve $1 billion dollars of funding for the Israeli Iron Dome. This advanced air defense system allows …”