Letter: The Goal of a Democratic Constitution Is Plan A and It’s Doing Fine
June 6, 2023
“Steve Bloom asks a number of serious and important questions about the strategy of the DSA pro-party wing in his May 31 Letter to Cosmonaut. Although centered on …”
Letter: Response to Red Labor
June 3, 2023
“Comrades Kent Kiser and Awi Blanc are correct when they charge DSA debates around the ‘party question’ with being couched in abstract and vague terms. Unfortunately, the rest …”
Letter: Time for a Plan B?
May 31, 2023
“I would like to thank Shuvu Bhattarai for the intelligent and informative article, "Unite the Pro-Party Wing to Revolutionize the DSA!" (March 3, 2023). As a revolutionary who …”
Letter: Words Won’t Slay The Hydra of Capitalism
May 26, 2023
“56 citations into Luke Pickrell’s article Marxism and the Democratic Republic and I am still scratching my head. MUG has done a fantastic job of raising the political …”
Letter: Gun Reform and Revolutionary Violence
May 23, 2023
“I’m writing this in response to conversations happening among leftists on whether or not to support common-sense gun reform in the United States. I also aim to critique …”
Letter: The Dirty Break is the Truly Realistic Strategy
May 11, 2023
“In “A Realistic Partyist Strategy: Electoral Strategy and Organized Labor,” Kent Kiser and Awi Blanc of Red Labor DSA call for a ‘clean break’ with the Democratic Party …”
Letter: "Lines of flight" for undeniable problems
May 4, 2023
“We would like to thank comrade Luke Pickrell for considering our article relevant enough to write a response. This gives us the opportunity to contribute our bit to …”
Letter: “Response to Pete Turner on Bryan Palmer, Trotskyism, and James Cannon”
May 3, 2023
“I have only recently encountered Pete Turner’s letter to Cosmonaut, “Bryan Palmer, Trotskyism, and James Cannon,” which appeared January 4, 2023. Offering a response gives me the opportunity …”
Letter: Response to McQueeney on the American Revolution
May 2, 2023
“A few words about Parker McQueeney’s letter in response to my article, “America as Conservative Democracy”: I agree with McQueeney that Marxist historiography in the United States has …”
Letter: On Sortition and Democratic Decision-making
April 30, 2023
“This letter is in response to Conquering Democracy, Abolishing Political Representation by the Cibcom Collective. I appreciated the comrades’ thought-provoking work and the opportunity to clarify my ideas …”
For an Independent Socialist Movement: An Open Letter to the Democratic Socialists in Congress
April 21, 2023
“RAISE THE RED FLAG: The Time Has Come for Socialist Independence! Comrade Amanda Levi (2023) To the Democratic Socialists in Congress, The Marxist Unity Group is writing this …”
Letter: Support 'The General Workers Assembly Priority Campaign DSA Resolution'
April 8, 2023
“Click Here to Sign This Resolution. Resolution Signers will also have the option to help organize the General Assembly Authors Shuvu Bhattarai (NYC DSA), Austin Ray Losinger-Eggiman (Boise …”
Letter: On the MUG Labor Strategy
April 3, 2023
“It is a very good thing that a more avowedly radical Marxist group in the DSA is turning its attention seriously towards labor work. However, I think that …”
Letter: DSA Organizing for Pandemic Justice Resolution for the 2023 DSA Convention
April 2, 2023
“As close readers of Cosmonaut know, I have been paying close attention to the SARS-2 pandemic for some time, writing twice in its pages on the state of …”
Letter: Internationalism, Belarus and DSA IC
March 28, 2023
“Marxist Unity Group and Reform and Revolution recently released their list of resolutions for the upcoming 2023 National DSA convention. One of these resolutions is on the war …”