Letter: Can Contradictions Be?
August 22, 2023
“In a recent article for this very magazine, Dimitris Moustakas used formal logic to confront Zeno’s paradoxes in a deconstruction of Marxian “dialectical logic.” It is unclear to …”
Letter: Crisis in the Brazilian Communist Party
August 20, 2023
“In the last month, a crisis has erupted in the Brazilian Communist Party, the PCB. Here is a translated political note by the National Coordination of its youth …”
Letter: New Communism or New Vulgarism?
August 13, 2023
“If communism is to mean anything, it means a qualitatively different kind of life from what we currently have in our current society. Communism is not merely this …”
Letter: Join Marxist Unity Group!
August 5, 2023
“When the Constitution became law in 1788, Benjamin Rush declared its realization “as much the work of a divine providence as any of the miracles recorded in the …”
Letter: Vote No on CB1 at DSA's National Convention
August 1, 2023
“The rationale for CB1 in the convention compendium states that the NPC is too small for an organization that exploded in size over the past few years. In …”
Letter: What Determines Wages?
July 23, 2023
“In his recent article, Rob Ashlar draws on the work of Arghiri Emmanuel to rightly critique theories that attempt to justify wage differentials based on productivity alone. However, …”
Letter: On CPUSA and "Socialism with American Characteristics"
July 20, 2023
“As a CPUSA member, I appreciated the article "Socialism with American Characteristics." The CPUSA program is worthy of critique. It is frustrating and unwieldy. It's too long, it …”
Letter: How the Working Class Finds Universality
July 18, 2023
“Doug Lain, in his recent response to our ongoing discussion on the correct Marxist relationship to the existing bourgeois state and civil society, has doubled down on the …”
Letter: The Universality of The Working Class
July 15, 2023
“Reading Nicolas D Villarreal’s letter responding to my attempt to break the Marxist left from its lockstep march into irrelevance and/or complicity, I am reminded of a joke …”
Letter: On the Tribune of the Proletariat
July 13, 2023
“Elaborating on the nature and necessity of a Socialist Republicanism is vital for our present movement. On this topic, Sam Thomas’s article “The Machiavellian State, Fascism and the …”
Letter: Strike Ready vs Socialism
July 5, 2023
“In 2021 the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), at their convention, passed “Resolution #5: Building Worker Power to Win Democratic Socialism: A Labor Strategy for DSA in 2021-2023” …”
Letter: Lain's Pessimism
July 3, 2023
“While I can sympathize with the sense of urgency contained in comrade Lain’s recent letter to Cosmonaut, I must agree with comrade Villarreal’s assessment of Lain’s approach as …”
Letter: The Shallow Deep State
June 18, 2023
“A recent letter from Doug Lain has attempted to criticize the left broadly for its failure to wake up to the reality of the spectacle which is being …”
Letter: UFOs, Russiagate, and the Spectacle
June 17, 2023
“Socialists who wish to create an independent political movement or party must face the degree to which we are all hemmed in by the US bureaucracy, the security …”
Letter: The Case for a Socialist Rank-and-File Teamsters Organization
June 10, 2023
“"The white collar crime syndicate known as Corporate America is hereby put on notice that the working people of America have had ENOUGH" - Teamsters General President O’Brien …”