Discovering the Cybernetic Brain
Amelia Davenport, February 14, 2021
Amelia Davenport interviews philosopher of science and historian of cybernetics Andrew Pickering. Read Article.
The Platform is the Message
Renato Flores, March 6, 2021
Amelia Davenport and Renato Flores argue that social media cannot be ignored despite its negative effects on modern culture. Instead, the left needs its own approach to social media that takes into account the values encoded into tech platforms. Read Article.
The Introduction of Cybernetics in the GDR by Jérôme Segal
Alexander Gallus, July 31, 2021
Translation and introduction by Alexander Gallus. Read Article.
The Development and Significance of Cybernetics by William Grey Walter
Amelia Davenport, October 13, 2021
Amelia Davenport introduces a text by William Grey Walter introducing basic concepts of cybernetics. Read Article.
Artificial Intelligence, Universal Machines, and Killing Bourgeois Dreams
Nicolas D Villarreal, May 10, 2023
Nicolas D Villarreal tackles the question of artificial intelligence from a Marxist perspective, arguing against both utopian and dystopian prophecies regarding the emergence of these new technologies. Read Article.
Circuit Breakers: Profit, Bubbles, Crisis, and Chokepoints in the Tech Economy
Gary Levi, January 15, 2025
Gary Levi analyzes the nature of speculative investment bubbles in the tech industry and conjectures on the likely direction that labor struggles will take in response to the coming crash of the AI frenzy. Read Article.