What do the Democratic Socialists of America stand for politically?
DT Seel, November 6, 2018
The typical medium through which political organizations have presented their vision of social change is the political program or platform. Despite lacking an official platform, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has endorsed candidates that do have official platforms. DT Seel, using a method of induction based on the content of these platforms, proposes what the DSA's program would be if based on the politics of its endorsed candidates. This 'inductive program' is then examined and put under critique. Read Article.
No Bernie
Patrick Gibson, February 20, 2019
One of the major political questions facing the Democratic Socialists of America in the near future is how to relate to Bernie Sanders' recently announced 2020 presidential campaign. Already, a vocal and well-connected group of DSA members have put out arguments for a full endorsement and strong involvement in such a campaign. Central NJ DSA member Patrick Gibson provides an alternative view, arguing that the organization should not tie itself to a leader it cannot meaningfully influence or discipline. Read Article.
What's At Stake in the Democratic Socialists of America?
Jean Allen, March 28, 2019
Jean Allen discusses the factional infighting in the DSA and it what it says about the organization at large. Read Article.
Michael Harrington and His Afterlives
Doug Enaa Greene, April 8, 2019
Doug Enaa Greene gives an overview and critique of the political journey of Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialist of America, and his influence on reformist socialism to this day. Read Article.
The Democratic Socialist Cul-de-sac: A Critical Look at The Socialist Manifesto
Doug Enaa Greene, July 12, 2019
Doug Enaa Greene reviews 'The Socialist Manifesto' by Bhaskar Sunkara (New York: Basic Books, 2019). Rather than an innovative take on socialist politics for the 21st century, The Socialist Manifesto is just the same old reformism that has been a dead-end for the left. Read Article.
DSA National Convention: Fog & Storm
Miah Simone, September 14, 2019
Gabriel Pierre & Miah Simone report on the 2019 DSA convention. Response from members of the editorial board of Cosmonaut here. Read Article.
For the Unity of Marxists: A Response to Fog & Storm
Rosa Janis, September 14, 2019
Rosa Janis and Parker McQueeney respond to "DSA Convention: Fog & Storm," arguing that the approach the authors argue for de-emphasizes issues of political struggle. Read Article.
For the Unity of Marxists with the Dispossessed: The Bolsheviks and the State, 1912-1917
Medway Baker, October 9, 2019
A reply by Medway Baker to Sophia Burns' article "For the Unity of Marxists, or the Unity of the Dispossessed?" Read Article.
Structuring the Party: The Case of the DSA
Diego AM, June 20, 2020
Diego AM explores the organization conundrums of the modern left, looking at the Democratic Socialists of America and the alternatives proposed by base-builders and Maoists. Read Article.
A Twelve-Step Program for Democrat Addiction
Ben Grove, December 10, 2020
Ben Grove lays out a twelve-step program for the Democratic Socialists of America to pursue a path of independent working-class politics. Reading: Christian Cail. Read Article.