Shame and Misery: A Materialist History of Gay Politics
Gus Breslauer, December 16, 2018
With its origins in the onset of the free labor system, Gus Breslauer traces the history of gay politics from the development of capitalism, through WWII, Gay Liberation, AIDS, and Queer Theory. In conclusion, Breslauer argues for a return to Marx’s view of labor for a renewal of a viable gay politics, and ultimately locates gay liberation in a broader break with this world for a classless society. Read Article.
ACT UP, Fight Back: A History of AIDS in America
Charlie Frank, October 30, 2021
Charlie Frank gives an overview of the forms of social mobilization that developed as a response to the AIDS pandemic as well as what lessons the left can draw from this chapter of history. Read Article.
Red Pride
Glen Hardie, June 30, 2023
Glen Hardie reflects on the way in which the work of communist activist and Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) co-founder Mark Ashton is presented in 2014 film 'Pride' and argues that socialists, like the queer community represented by the real LGSM, must be 'out': open and explicit about who and what they are. Read Article.