Why We Still Need Pitchforks: A Critique of the Politics of Nora Belrose
Ben Grove, November 12, 2018
Revolution is outdated and no longer a realistic means to achieve socialism according to Nora Belrose, a DSA member who writes a popular blog. Is revolutionary politics now only an idealistic fantasy? Ben Grove argues otherwise. Read Article.
Long, Queer Revolution
Nia Frome, December 29, 2018
Revolution won't follow a neat and clean schema, fitting easily into one stage or another, argues Nia Frome. Instead, revolution will be a long process, a process that cannot always be categorized with preconceived definitions. The ideal of revolutionary vision never fully survives contact with the messy and unpredictable realities of political change. Read Article.
No Replacement For The Marxist Theory Of Revolution
Gabriel Radic, April 1, 2019
Gabriel Radic argues that various attempts in academia to develop theories of revolution as alternatives to Marx's theory of revolution and historical materialism only serve to disguise the centrality of class contradiction in these events. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.
Historiography Wars: The French Revolution
Donald Parkinson, September 25, 2019
Historiographical debates around the French Revolution are ultimately political debates, not just debates about the facts. Donald Parkinson argues for revitalizing the tradition of the social historians against the new revisionist orthodoxy. Reading: Myk Labas. Read Article.
Taking Stock: Rifles and Reforms
Hank Beecher, December 17, 2019
In part one of a three-part article, Hank Beecher aims to complicate the narratives set out by the electoral left that deny the possibility of revolution. Read Article.
Taking Stock: Electoralism vs The Capitalist Arsenal
Hank Beecher, January 26, 2020
In Part Two of his analysis of strategy for the modern-day left Hank Beecher takes a look at three recent case studies and tries to draw conclusions on how the left can move forward. Read Article.
Terrestrial Shamanism against the Exterminist Leviathan
Renato Flores, March 19, 2020
Renato Flores argues that a grand narrative is needed to unify and mobilize the exploited and oppressed against an exterminist world order. Read Article.
Komsomol Life: Interrogating the Soviet Young Communist League with Sean Guillory
Donald Parkinson, June 17, 2020
Lenin’s Boys: A Short History of Soviet Hungary
Doug Enaa Greene, August 21, 2020
Doug Enaa Greene on the Hungarian Soviet Republic and its tragic defeat. Read Article.
Disarming the Magic Bullet
Renato Flores, January 19, 2021
Renato Flores responds to Cam W's argument for Maoism and the mass line. Reading: Gabriel Palcic. Read Article.