
ACT UP, Fight Back: A History of AIDS in America

Charlie Frank, October 30, 2021

Charlie Frank gives an overview of the forms of social mobilization that developed as a response to the AIDS pandemic as well as what lessons the left can draw from this chapter of history. Read Article.


The Fight for a Marxist Program in the DSA

Donald Parkinson, October 27, 2021

Donald Parkinson assesses the 2021 DSA Convention and imagines a path forward beyond its current political and strategic deadlock. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Bismarck, Browder, Biden: Joe's Hegemony versus Ours

Sam Miller, October 21, 2021

Sam Miller polemicizes against the delusions of the left in the Biden administration and proclaims the necessity for a class independent approach to politics. Reading: Myk Laabas. Read Article.


Why Machines Don't Create Value

Ian Wright, October 16, 2021

Ian Wright defends Marx's theory of surplus-value and its claim that human labor is the ultimate cause of economic profit.  Read Article.


The Development and Significance of Cybernetics by William Grey Walter

Amelia Davenport, October 13, 2021

Amelia Davenport introduces a text by William Grey Walter introducing basic concepts of cybernetics. Read Article.


On the Scientific Status of Psychoanalysis

Paul Wolf, October 10, 2021

Does psychoanalysis have a scientific value beyond being a hermeneutical framework for literary studies? Dillon Reitmeyer argues yes, and that Marxists have much to learn from it. Read Article.


Letters from N. I. Bukharin to V. I. Lenin (1915)

October 8, 2021

Translation by Mark Alexandrovic. The original publication was prepared by Cherny, Andrey Vitalievich, head of the department of the Museum of the Revolution. Read Article.


The Constitution of Necessity

Richard Hunsinger, October 3, 2021

Richard Hunsinger examines the origins of the capitalist mode of production through a comparative analysis of the work of Jairus Banaji and Robert Brenner. Read Article.


To Hell With The American Gentry

Nicolas D Villarreal, September 30, 2021

Nicolas D Villarreal argues against populist appeals for a common front between the working-class and small business owners. Reading: Mick Labas. Read Article.


Making Sense of the Lysenko Affair

Renato Flores, September 24, 2021

Soviet agrobiology is infamous for its promotion of the pseudoscientific theories of Trofim Lysenko and their disastrous results. Renato Flores investigates how these theories came to dominate and the social forces that were at play using the framework of Science, Technology, and Society Studies. Read Article.