
Lenin’s Boys: A Short History of Soviet Hungary

Doug Enaa Greene, August 21, 2020

Doug Enaa Greene on the Hungarian Soviet Republic and its tragic defeat. Read Article.


Workers and Writers: The Communist Novel in Britain

Lawrence Parker, August 14, 2020

The history of the British communist novel is ultimately the story of the political degeneration of the Communist Party of Great Britain. By Lawrence Parker. Reading: LC. Read Article.


Revolutionary Discipline and Sobriety

Cliff Connolly, August 12, 2020

Cliff Connolly argues for a culture of sobriety within our organizations, drawing from the example of Austrian Socialism. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


The Materialism of Warm-Stream Marxism: Ernst Bloch on Ibn Sina

Daniel Tutt, August 5, 2020

Daniel Tutt writes on German Marxist Ernst Bloch's engagement with the Islamic scholar Ibn Sina and its potential for revitalizing materialist philosophy. Read Article.


Letter to the Socialists, Old and New

Chris Townsend, July 31, 2020

Chris Townsend is a socialist and veteran of the labor movement, currently a member of Marxist Center and director of field mobilization for Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU). In support of its spirit of unity, we have published his open letter to the socialist movement, both young and old. Read Article.


Of Course Labor Law Advances the Class Struggle

Anton Johannsen, July 29, 2020

Anton Johannsen argues that labor law is a terrain of class struggle that can only be ignored at our own peril. Read Article.


Food, Capitalism and the Necessity of a Socialist Program

Renato Flores, July 22, 2020

Capitalist food production is based on ecological destruction, imperialism, inhumane labor practices, and the degradation of human health. A socialist program that guarantees healthy food for all is the only alternative. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Beyond Work? The Shortcomings of Post-Work Politics

Mikael Lyngaas, July 18, 2020

Mikael Lyngaas argues that post-work theorists ranging from Bob Black to Srnicek and Williams are utopian socialism for the current era. Reading: Sam Wiles. Read Article.


The Dialectic of Assimilation

Lane Silberstein, July 11, 2020

How have Jews in the US have gone from an unwelcome immigrant group prone to left-wing radicalism to Zionists and beneficiaries of whiteness? Lane Silberstein investigates. Reading: Harley Oliviera. Read Article.


The Struggle to Oust Duterte, Imperialism, and Capitalist Rule

Ryan Powers, July 4, 2020

Read Article.