
The Propertied and the Propertyless by Anton Pannekoek

Rida Vaquas, June 29, 2020

Translation and introduction by Rida Vaquas. The original text in German can be found here. Read Article.


Marx Beyond the Mystics

Peter Claassen, June 27, 2020

Continuing our theme of exploring the relationship between religion and socialism, Peter Claassen argues that the influence of Christian Mysticism on Hegel impacted the thought of Karl Marx. Read Article.


Structuring the Party: The Case of the DSA

Diego AM, June 20, 2020

Diego AM explores the organization conundrums of the modern left, looking at the Democratic Socialists of America and the alternatives proposed by base-builders and Maoists. Read Article.


The Problem of Unity: A Comparative Analysis

Medway Baker, June 14, 2020

In a comparative study of Austro-Marxism, the French Socialist movement, and Bolshevism, Medway Baker argues for the left to seek unity around a programme of constitutional disloyalty. Read Article.


Mask Off: Crisis & Struggle in the Pandemic

Richard Hunsinger, June 8, 2020

Richard Hunsinger & Nathan Eisenberg give an in-depth analysis of the current crisis where economic breakdown, pandemic, and mass revolt collide into a historic conjuncture that will forever shape the trajectory of world events. Read Article.


The Many Worlds of American Communism

Josh Morris, June 3, 2020

Read Article.


Some Words of Advice for our Comrades in the Streets

Ahmed Nada, May 31, 2020

Throughout the United States, revolt against police violence and the state has broken out in response to the callous murder of George Floyd at the hands of the police. To help contribute to this outbreak of militancy, we have published these words of advice on successful protest from Ahmed Nada, a veteran of the Egyptian protest movements in 2011, 2012, and 2013. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Judith Butler's Impotent Politics of Nonviolence

Jared Ijams, May 26, 2020

Jared Ijams critiques Judith Butler's recent espousal of a politics of non-violence, linking it to their support of neoliberal Kamala Harris in the recent Democratic Party primary. Read Article.


The Tortoise and The Hare: Cybernetics, Evolution and Socialism

Amelia Davenport, May 22, 2020

Amelia Davenport argues for the relevance of cybernetics to the project of developing a communism that transcends the modernist project. Read Article.


Letter from a French Prison by Antonin Bernanos

Joe Hayns, May 15, 2020

This essay, written by anti-fascist militant Antonin Bernanos while in a French prison, provides an important perspective on the relation between the state and organized fascism in France. Bernanos was arrested in April 2019 and released mid-November. Translation and introduction by Joe Hayns. Read Article.