
A Critical History of Management Thought

Jean Allen, May 8, 2020

Can capitalist management thought provide solutions to the problems of the socialist movement? Jean Allen urges doubt and skepticism in this critical review of Morgan Witzel’s A History Of Management Thought. Read Article.


Against Socialist Reactionaries: a response to Jacob Richter

Rosa Janis, May 4, 2020

Rosa Janis responds to Jacob Richter's April 9th, 2020 letter to Cosmonaut on social conservatism and the left. Read Article.


Toward the Mass Strike: Interview with Two Southern Organizers

Marisa Miale, April 29, 2020

Marisa Miale interviews Kali Akuno and Adam Ryan, labor organizers in the south, on class struggle in the era of COVID-19. Read more about Cooperation Jackson here and Target Workers Unite here. Read Article.


Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism in the Second International

Donald Parkinson, April 18, 2020

Karl Marx's own ambiguous and sometimes contradictory views on colonialism meant that the Second International would debate over the correct view on the matter. Donald Parkinson gives an overview of these debates, arguing that Communists today must unite around a clear anti-colonial and anti-imperialist program.  Read Article.


Freedom in Death: Liberalism and the Apocalypse

Medway Baker, April 14, 2020

Medway Baker calls for uncompromising faith in the cause of communism in the face of a capitalist civilization that is destroying humanity. Read Article.


The Invisible Landscape: Tracing the Spiritualist Utopianism of Nineteenth-Century America

Edmund Berger, April 11, 2020

Edmund Berger explores the hidden history of Utopian Socialism and its close relationship with cultures of esoteric spirituality in the nineteenth-century United States. Read Article.


The Practical Policy of Revolutionary Defeatism

Matthew Strupp, April 6, 2020

Matthew Strupp lays out the politics of revolutionary defeatism in contrast to the approaches of third-campism and third-worldism. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Join the Struggle at Amazon!

April 3, 2020

Committed revolutionaries: get a job at Amazon and help us build working-class power! Read Article.


On the actuality of Spinoza by Jørgen Sandemose

April 1, 2020

Presented here is a lecture by Jørgen Sandemose on Spinoza that is also a critique of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's Empire. Sandemose died last year on the 24th of September and we hope he to expose more to his work through publishing this lecture. He was a social activist as a member of the Communist University Association and editor of the Communist Workers' League journal Red Flag in the 70s. After graduation, he also worked for many years in industry, more specifically at Norgas. Sandemose wrote several books, one about his father Aksel Sandemose, many about economic theory and philosophy. More of his work can be found here. The lecture presented below was given at ’The New Space’, Manhattan, March 2008. Read Article.


The End of the End of History: COVID-19 and 21st Century Fascism

Medway Baker, March 26, 2020

Debs Bruno and Medway Baker lay out the conditions of the current crisis, the political potentials it opens up, and the need for a socialist program to pave a path forward. Read Article.