
The Grey Tree of Post-Keynesianism and Monetarism: The Classical Account, Inflation, and Unemployment

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina, June 1, 2019

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina takes a look at Keynesianism and Modern Monetary Theory and argues they are based on an idealistic notion of science. Read Article.


Critique of the Saltsjöbaden Agreement

Tom Anderson, May 26, 2019

Translation by Tom Anderson of a pamphlet by Gösta Kempe from 1939. We publish this as a document of workers struggle against reactionary union laws that promote class cooperation and a demonstration that questions of procedure are also political questions. Read Article.


Cosmic Imagination in Revolutionary Russia

Donald Parkinson, May 20, 2019

Before the rise of the Soviet Space Program, utopian visions of space travel existed alongside serious scientific work to make it a reality. Donald Parkinson explores the culture of space exploration that existed both before and after the Bolshevik Revolution and how it laid the groundwork for Sputnik. Read Article.


The Winnipeg General Strike: from Revolt to Revolution?

Medway Baker, May 15, 2019

Medway Baker analyzes the Winnipeg General Strike, possibly the height of class struggle in Canada, for its centennial. Read Article.


Leon Trotsky and Cultural Revolution

Doug Enaa Greene, May 12, 2019

Doug Enaa Greene argues that in Trotsky's work a theory of cultural revolution can be found, one which differs from Mao Zedong's that was developed in the context of the Russian Revolution and its struggle against bureaucracy. Read Article.


The Retrograde Left

J.R. Murray, May 4, 2019

J.R. Murray argues that the left must abandon the micro-sect form of organization derived from a false reading of the true meaning of Bolshevism, or else we will continue to exist in an endless cycle of self-marginalization. Read Article.


'Is Marxism Obsolete?' by Charles Rappoport

Medway Baker, April 26, 2019

Introduction and translation by Medway Baker. Read Article.


In Defense of the Labor Theory of Value

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina, April 21, 2019

Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina examines the labor theory of value and references philosophy of science to defend it from critics. Features a reading guide to works on the philosophy of science, Marxism, and their relations. Read Article.


Strasserism vs "Strasserism": Turning Over the Right Rocks

K.T. Jamieson, April 17, 2019

With Strasserism becoming a common accusation made towards various political trends on the left, K. T. Jamieson makes a historical investigation of Strasserism and its ideology and argues that it creates more confusion than clarity to label the right wing of social democracy as 'Strasserism.' Read Article.


Revolution or the Democratic Road to Socialism? A Reply to Eric Blanc

Donald Parkinson, April 13, 2019

Donald Parkinson responds to Eric Blanc's latest take in the Kautsky debate, critiquing his strategy of a democratic road to socialism. Read Article.