
The Party, the Just City, and the Sacred Fire

Cold and Dark Stars, July 24, 2019

Latest from Cold and Dark Stars. To pursue an emancipatory politics that can address planetary climate change, one must answer the question of "what is the good life?" Yet for this question to be intelligible, a Polis that understands its relation to the cosmos, prefigured by the Party, is necessary. Read Article.


Frauen und die rote Fahne: Gender and the Destruction of the Kommunistische Partei Deutschland

Stephen Boyce, July 22, 2019

Stephen Boyce argues that the KPD's failure was due to its inability to recruit women in the masses. Read Article.


#MeToo and the Man of Mystery: Understanding Evil in the Social Hell of Capital

Rosa Janis, July 13, 2019

The case of Jeffrey Epstein is symptomatic of the morally depraved social hell that the ruling class has created on this planet, writes Rosa Janis. Read Article.


Culture Beyond Capital: Art, Authenticity, and the 21st Century Workers’ Movement

Cliff Connolly, July 10, 2019

The course of the twentieth century has seen art and culture become increasingly subsumed into the logic of capital. A crucial element of a base-building strategy must be to foster an alternative proletarian culture outside the sphere of commodity production for the cultural enrichment and self-expression of workers, argues Cliff Connolly. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Debating Electoral Strategy in the Comintern, 1920: The Bulgarian Situation

Donald Parkinson, June 30, 2019

Reviewing the debates over electoral strategy at the Second Congress of the Comintern, Donald Parkinson reviews the strategies of the Bulgarian Communist Party and their arguments against electoral abstentionism. Read Article.


Considerations on the Basis of the Socio-Political, Economic and Cultural Development of the Turkic Peoples of Asia and Europe by Mirsaid Sultan Galiev

Örsan Şenalp, June 25, 2019

Translation and introduction by Örsan Şenalp and Asim Khairdean. Read Article.


Whose Democracy?: An Introduction to Oligarchy in the United States

J.R. Murray, June 20, 2019

The United States is a mockery of what democracy is supposed to be. J.R. Murray unpacks the reality of a corrupt system that is designed to empower the rich against the working class majority. Reading: Cliff Connolly. Read Article.


Why Define Fascism?: In Defence of Making Distinctions

Jacob Smith, June 16, 2019

Jacob Smith argues that if the left wishes to take fascism seriously we shouldn't use the term lightly but with precision. Read Article.


Latino Radicals and the Communist Party in the New Communist Movement: A Case Study of Two Oral Histories

Josh Morris, June 11, 2019

Josh Morris discusses the experiences of Latino/Latina organizers in the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan and CPUSA, covering an often ignored aspect of US Communist history. Read Article.


Post-Insurrectionary Strategy

Jacob Richter, June 6, 2019

Jacob Richter weighs in on the Kautsky debate centering around revolutionary strategy, arguing for a balance of power approach. Read Article.